Jun 092013

So this may come as no surprise, but my kids are just a lot funnier than I am.

“So are bookcases, Crohn’s disesase and the ending of Life is Beautiful—tell us something we don’t know, Captain Obvious …”

Seriously though, my boys constantly amuse me, mainly because they genuinely get how to be funny—they both have pretty good timing, and eagerly embrace everything from physical humor and slapstick to one-liners and sarcasm. Oh, the sarcasm.

I should’ve been writing down all the amusing quips that they’ve uncorked over the years, but I realized I have been recording it in a way—via Facebook and Twitter. So to share some of what I’m talking about, I went back through my Facebook posts over the past two years or so to find a few gems, starting with this one from the other day:

But there’s been more. For example—

I love this one on so many levels.

They also have a great sense of comic timing …

… and a great sense of the absurd.

Observational humor …

Hard to argue with this one …

Of course, the truth hurts, so it’s funny . ..

… again …

… and again …

… and yet again.

So there’s that. But at least there’s this …

I only wish I knew where they get it all from …