Jun 042012

So the other day, you may have heard about how New York City Michael Bloomberg wants to enact legislation that would prohibit the sale of super-sized sodas and other sugary drinks throughout the Big Apple.

From hizzoner’s mouth (courtesy of the New York Times):

“Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public health officials are wringing their hands saying, ‘Oh, this is terrible,’ ” Mr. Bloomberg said in an interview on Wednesday in City Hall’s sprawling Governor’s Room.

“New York City is not about wringing your hands; it’s about doing something,” he said. “I think that’s what the public wants the mayor to do.”

Even though they’ll have to pry the Coke out of my cold, dead hands, I think Mayor Mike is one hundred percent absolutely right.

Never mind that people are *not* going to stop drinking soda or other sugary drinks, and that such a ban on large serving sizes only benefits retailers (who can sell more products), and ultimately, the city by increasing sales taxes collected (maybe the whole plan all along?). Also ignore that this absolutely violates multiple personal freedoms—including the right to incur Type 2 diabetes at whatever pace you desire—or that there’s no bans on the amount of alcohol or tobacco that can be purchased, even though both of those products lead to health problems as serious as obesity. Heck, you can buy beer BY THE KEG, which is not really going to put a crimp in alcoholism or drunk driving.

This well-thought-out mandate is *clearly* a step in the right direction. But if you’re going to let a government further interfere in people’s lives and impinge on their freedoms, why stop with soda? As they say, if you’re going to be a bear, be a grizzly bear!

Here are other things New York City should think of restricting.

  • The number of buildings under 50 stories tall—it’s THE BIG APPLE, not The Moderately Sized Apple With A Few Pieces Sticking Out. Go big or go home, as they (the chicken people?) say.
  • The number of Major League Baseball teams in town; since the National League is the older entity, it only makes sense to keep that entry and do away with the American League representative so the city could properly get behind one team.
  • The number of winged garbage-eating rats. Seriously, 7 million, with each producing over 25 pounds of crap a year? It seems as though you could—literally—kill two birds with one stone, and then feed them to the homeless and hungry. Ditto the gray rats with bushy tails and actual rats.
  • The number of minorities. Melting pot, smelting pot—pretty sure there’s at least two of each race, creed and religion on the planet by now crammed into the five burroughs. Let those coming here from foreign lands enter via a new port … actually, how about through Newport! What says “Welcome to America” better than staying your first night at The Breakers or Rosecliff?
  • The number of boys named Jayden. Maybe change a few hundred over to RAYden, right? Just sayin’.
  • The number of God-loving virgin backup quarterbacks that have enormous fan bases and seemingly unlimited media presence and support. Because honestly, one seems like too many.
  • The number of overweight, pompous, know-it-all afternoon sports radio talk show hosts. Again, even one seems like way too many.
  • The number of buildings and other entities that Donald Trump can name after himself. Look, we get it—The Donald has named all these skyscrapers after himself not because he cares about “branding” but because despite his vast wealth, he’s got bad hair and has a tiny penis. Enough already.
  • The number of self-serving mayors who like to change the rules solely for their own personal gain.

  One Response to “fizzy lifting freedom”

  1. Hahaha!!! Loved this post!

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