Nov 072012

As many of you know, I’m not a big fan of politics, so now that this “election” thing is done with, it comes as no surprise that I’ve decided to offer some counter-programming.

Besides, this week’s JERK OF THE WEEK is a real douchebag.

Please, do not get up and salute this “soldier,” unless you’re using your middle finger.

This week’s JERK OF THE WEEK is—

Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair

Yes, it’s sad that Mr. Sinclair, the deputy commander of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division who has served in Afghanistan, is in the news this week, especially on the eve of Veteran’s Day. You may have heard that he was recently arrested, and is currently being court-martialed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, although the military seems intent on keeping the details mum and out of the press. Why, you ask?

Glad you asked.

I’ll let Wired tell you:

The first wave of details about Sinclair’s case began to emerge on Monday. Little has been revealed about Sinclair’s case besides the list of charges against him, including “wrongful sexual conduct,” forced sodomy, misusing official funds and more. But at the military version of a grand jury hearing on Monday morning, the Army disclosed that Sinclair’s alleged misconduct involved five women, four of them subordinate Army officers, in locations as varied as Fort Bragg and Afghanistan. The Fayetteville Observer reported from the hearing that Sinclair’s “encounters” with the women occurred “in a parking lot, in his office in Afghanistan with the door open, on an exposed balcony at a hotel and on a plane, where he allegedly groped a woman.” At least one of these encounters, the military contends, was forced.

Allegedly when confronted about his behavior, Sinclar simply said: “I’m a general, I’ll do whatever the [expletive] I want.”

Guess what? You’re also a jerk, and now I hope the grand jury does whatever the [expletive] it wants to you.

Speaking of jerks, feel free to order my book, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Connecticut History. Hey, order two—one for yourself and one for that special jerk on your holiday shopping list!

  One Response to “jerk of the week: general disregard”

  1. His even looks like a jerk, you can tell he doesn’t know how to smile. Scum bag!

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