Jan 152013

Conversation I Just Overheard Between My 13-year-old Son and His Buddy

(And because it was via Skype on his computer and he was wearing earbuds, I really only heard one side. Oh, and I had to ask him afterward to help me transcribe this so I could get the technical jargon right.)

My Son: Okay, okay. Open up that window so I can see your screen. Make it bigger. Okay. Hmm … Hang on as I look it up on the Minecraft server.

My Son: All right … let me see. You might have a problem with the game program. You’ll have to close it and then re-open it.

My Son: Okay—is your computer 32-bit or 64-bit? Yeah, that’s right. Then you need to get the newest version of Java so it’s more compatible with your video card. Just Google it. Not that one, not that one—click on the one at the bottom of the screen. That’s it. You have to make sure it’s an .exe file.

My Son: That loaded pretty quickly. Good. But … no, wait! I didn’t say to click on it yet! Why did you … what? My computer is lagging a little. Sorry. That’s okay, we can re-install it.

My Son: You’ll probably have to go into the editor and adjust the settings. Hey, I’ve got to. Dinner time. I’ll call you back later and we can finish fixing this.

Technical Conversation Between My 13-year-old Self and My Buddy Milo

Me: Hey, my bike has a flat tire.

Milo: Guess you’ll have to ride your skateboard until you fix it.

Me: Yeah. Dang.


  One Response to “i know i’m old, but just in case i wasn’t sure”

  1. Kids these days. I ran a bbs at 13 on 56k baud. At 14 I bought a 1meg
    Hard drive price 300. I did all this walking uphill both ways in the snow.

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