Feb 222013

Not a news flash: I *hate* exercise.

Last winter was nice in that we had very little snow—I was even able to run on my favorite track on New Year’s Eve, and was able to get out to the local greenway from time to time.

As we all know, this year has been very different—LOTS of snow, which has forced me inside on the treadmill. We bought a decent one a few Christmases ago, and I was able to split our cable and run it to an old TV, so we can watch pretty much anything, including programs we’ve recorded. And now that I figured out how to turn on the closed-captioning, you can follow any program without having to hear it, which was a problem over the sound of the treadmill.

That all being done, it’s still boring as hell to run on a treadmill. As such, while recently running, my mind drifted to—

Five Random Things on Treadmills

1. Drunk “Mythbuster” Adam Savage

Sadly, I run like that when I’m stone-cold sober.

2. The band OK Go

You never saw ABBA doing this.

3. A shrimp

And now you will be singing “The Final Countdown” all day. You’re welcome!

4. Horses on Ye Olde Treadmill

I hope they use it later to churn thine butter.

5. A slinky

Oddly compelling.

For the record, I wanted to add the clip from “The Simpsons” of Homer running on a treadmill while Scully and Mulder from “The X-Files” watch, but apparently, it’s not available anywhere. D’oh!

So now that’s about 10 minutes of your life you won’t get back. At least you weren’t on a treadmill watching it.


  One Response to “the friday five: perpetual motion”

  1. I liked ABBA the best, but I wonder how long it took them to do that?

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